Wednesday: Siyum and Farbrengenin Crown Heights With Irgun Torah

Join the community Wednesday for a siyum on Meseches Sukkah of seven local daily gemara shiurim finishing simultaneously and a farbrengen – in honor of the Yom Hashana of the Rebbe’s brother – Rabbi Dovber Schneerson A”H, who was Niftar during the holocaust and the 25th of elul was established as the day of his yahrzeit.

Also commemorating this auspicious day as the world was created on this day. And as the gemara says: Breishis meaning reishis as the world was created for the torah.

The Siyum will take place Wednesday, September 1st – 24th of Elul, at Mishkan Moshe – 580 Crown Street. The event will begin at 8:30pm.

Featuring Speeches by Rabbi Fischel Oster: The Rebbe’s Hadran on Maseches Sukkah, and Rabbi Mendel Yuzewitz: My visit to the resting place of the Rebbe’s brother and his life.

The event will be streamed on

Participating magidei shiurim and shuls: Rabbi Fischel Oster – Merkas Avreichim | Rabbi Shmuel Rosenstein – Anshei Lubavitch/Geshem Shul | Rabbi Alexander Heppenheimer – Chevra Shas | Rabbi Holtzberg / Rabbi Shia Werner – Anash Shul | Rabbi Hershel Lustig – Beis Eliezer Yitzchok | Rabbi Zalman Shanowits – Shains Shul. For Timings, info and More Shiurim, visit:

The event is organized by Irgun Torah.