Rabbi Zalman Posner Farbrengs With Tiferes Bachurim

It’s been 10 days since Yud-Shevat, when the expectations of the Rebbe and Previous Rebbe greatly dwell in the hearts of all Tomchei Bachurim. It’s been even longer since Gimmel-Tammuz but despite this we continue to serve Hashem and follow the Rebbe by farbrenging with elder chassidum and accomplish shluchim. Thus, you can imagine the excitement of Yeshiva Tiferes Bachurim, last night, Rabbi Zalman I. Posner, head shliach of Tennessee, visited for a farbrengen. He spoke in a stream of consciousness spanning memories of his father of the Rebbe Rashab and Itcher the Masmid to his personal encounters with the Rebbe and Rebbitzin.

Rabbi Posner first emphasized that chassidum of his time had an experience many didn’t, which was to know the Rebbe. The Previous Rebbe once related to him, “You are now American bachurim, everything must be evaluated in its own time and space…but when your father was a Tommim in Lubavitch it was a-a-a-ll different, be like your father.” Rabbi Posner said that many things the Rebbe said to individuals were in fact messages for all Jews, and one who heard such sentiments is an instrument “to spread these ideas.” He also said that the Rebbe didn’t want us to copy him , but instead wanted us to live to give nachas to the Rebbe; it’s not most important to get burdened by how much gemorrah or chassidus one knows baal-peh, yet how one conducts himself, thinks, and acts, this is essential to being a chassid. Ahavas yisroel is the epitome of this.

The Rebbe relayed many times in Posner’s presence that, “the Yetzer tov should be in all his heart, the words that come from the heart go into another’s heart.” Not only this but we must also enter into our hearts the words of the Rebbe. When asked, how we can give nachas to the Rebbe, rabbi Posner answered, “we should find someone who knows what the Rebbe said, and can verbalize it.”

Whether by a shliach, mashpia, or chassid; now more than ever can we learn from and about the Rebbe. For those many Jews who attend last night’s farbrengen, who never had a chance to be by a farbrengen of the Rebbe or to enter his room for yechidus, were able to walk away feeling a little bit closer to the Rebbe through the stories of Rabbi Posner; until we will be with him once again, speedily in our days.