Eight Years of Maamorim Celebrated
Every morning at the break of dawn, a group of Chasidim gathers together at Congregation Tiferes Menachem (AKA Re’im Ahuvim) in Crown Heights to study a Maamer of the Rebbe.
They began on Yud Shvat eight years ago with the Maamorim of 5711 (1951), the first year of the Rebbe’s leadership, and completed the volume by the end of the year.
The next year they completed the Maamorim of 5712 (1952), and so forth.
Last night, the group gathered for a Farbrengen to celebrate the completion of the eighth year of Maamorim, and the commencement of the ninth year.
The Farbrengen was led by Rabbi Nissan Mangel, who inspired those present with encouragement to strengthen Hiskashrus to the Rebbe through the learning of Chasidus.
The Shiur takes place every morning at 6:15am, and all members of the community are welcome to attend.