Celebrating the ‘Long Yud Tes Kislev’ in Florida
During the Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen of the year 5727 (1966), which was on a Friday, the Rebbe referred to it as “The Long Yud Tes Kislev.” The Rebbe advised that chassidim continue to commemorate the Yomtov for days after.
The shluchim in Orlando and Tallahassee, Florida, invited Rabbi Michoel Seligson to farbreng with their respective communities.
On Thursday evening, Rabbi Seligson was the guest speaker at Rabbi Yosef Konikov‘s Chabad House in Orlando. The farbrengen went on for hours, with people remaining glued to their seats. Among those present were two students who had participated in Rabbi Seligson’s farbrengen during the past summer at Rabbi Dubov’s Chabad House in Orlando.
Towards the conclusion of the evening, people asked questions about how they can implement the chassidic teachings in their personal lives. The participants invited Rabbi Seligson to return for another farbrengen in the near future.
On Friday, Rabbi Seligson arrived in Tallahassee, Florida’s capital, where Rabbi Schneur Oirechman runs a chabad house. The chabad house is primarily composed of students at the Tallahassee campus.
Friday evening Rabbi Seligson farbrenged with the students and community members, who remained until midnight; some students slept over at the chabad house rather than drive home on Shabbos.
At the Shabbos day seuda new students arrived, and the Farbrengen continued until end of the day. Some of the students remembered Rabbi Seligson from a Farbrengen in the past and were pleased to have heard that he was returning again.
On Sunday evening, a farbrengen took place with the Shluchim of the Miami area at the Chabad House of Rabbi Yoel Caroline in Key Biscayne, Florida.
About twenty shluchim participated from all over Miami Beach.
Rabbi Seligson shared many stories about the Rebbe, some of which were personal and were not known. The Farbrengen lasted until well past midnight.
A farbengen with women??? Seriously, basic one on one chabad chassidus…….
there very liberal in florida