Rare Stories of the Friediker Rebbe told at Farbrengen
United Lubavitcher Yeshiva of Ocean Parkway had the distinct privilege of hearing rare firsthand stories of the Friediker Rebbe from elter Chossid Rabbi Leibel Posner. All the talmidim were awed by the captivating vivid tales told of his interactions with the FR.
A beautiful Yom Tov table was filed with delicacies provided for by Mr. Hasis a parent of the yeshiva. There were inspirational life lessons learned from stories of the Friediker Rebbe that were told by Rabbi Dr. Williger, and Rabbi Y. Eckhaus.
It was truly inspiring event for all talmidim and staff present. After school fabrengens were held in the homes of Rebbeim on Crown Heights.
why if the paroches pushed aside on the aron kadosh? ifs that a minhag of the day? Just asking – I do not know.
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Ha Masifta was bring down the Torah by that Picture