Rabbi Yossi Shemtov Farbrengs in Morristown!

Photos by: Mo Livshutz

This past Sunday night the Bochurim of Morristown were treated to a special guest Mashpia in honor of Hei Teiveis. Rabbi Yossi Shemtov, Shliach in Toledo, Ohio graciously took some time from his busy Shlichus to Farbreng with the Bochurim.

The Bochurim sat captivated for hours late into the night, as Rabbi Shemtov gave over a true feeling of Didan Notzach! And true Chsiddishe Varmkeit.

The farbrengen lasted until the wee hours of the morning, and the bochurim came away with a powerful feeling of the “Ahava” of Chassidim to their Rebbe.


  • morristown

    wow its amazing to see that the yeshiva in morristown has had alot of bochrim from detroit in the past 2 years who have majorly uplifted and enhances the chasidishe avir in the yeshiva
    and have helped bringing shluchim like yossi shemtov and others to strengthen the hiskashrus and feelings of longing and love to the rebbe and his tora and takones amongst the bochrim in the yeshiva
    you guys should go from strength to strength
    and dont get let down if your efforts arnt allways met with the greatest appreciation u guys are magorly affecting and mechazek all the bochrim there with u!


    go detroiters! take morristown over! take the world over!

  • att: detroiters

    to number 8:
    the bachurim worked hard and the Detroiters give kenosim if they see someone wearing a yechi yarmelka and burn a flag if they c it.
    LOL x 18