Bais Rivkah Signs Contract On New Building on East New York Ave


Just steps away from 474 East New York Ave, a building purchased by Bais Rivkah in 2022, another newly built building is now being sold, and Bais Rivkah’s signature is on the contract.

461 East New York Ave, an eight-floor building located between Brooklyn and New York Ave, will be renovated to include 10 classrooms, 7 administrative offices, a lounge and library, scenic rooftop,
and an assembly hall, according to a fundraising page for the new building.

The fundraising page has a $10,000,000 goal, with $5,000,000 already accounted for.

What this building will be used for is not clear from the fundraising page.

Bais Rivkah is also involved in another fundraising campaign for their seminary building, a plan unveiled years ago with a $35,000,000 price tag. The fundraising page for the seminary building shows $9,000,000 donated to date.


  • parent

    If we have a choice between a greedy developer who will put in more yuppies or city criminals with vouchers then i’m all for the school. Great move for the Shechuna

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