Jewish Future Alliance Memo on Upcoming Construction On Kingston Ave and President Street

The major construction project on President Street and Kingston Avenue is starting this week. We would like to share important information provided to us by the NYC Department of Design and Construction and Community Board 9.

Given the scale of the project, the Jewish Future Alliance recommends that residents on President Street between Kingston and Albany, as well as those on adjacent blocks who may be affected, take photos of the fronts of their homes—including porches, steps, and sidewalks—before construction begins. Although the city has stated that they will repair everything and return it to its original condition, it can be difficult to get them to do so without proper documentation. This documentation will be valuable if any issues arise and may be needed to resolve them. There have already been two cases on President Street that were only resolved thanks to documentation.

Construction Details:

The first stage of construction will take place on President Street from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday, for the next two weeks.

Parking Information:

For the next two weeks, there will be no street parking on President Street between Albany Avenue and Kingston Avenue, Monday through Friday. In some parts of the block, parking may be allowed in the evening, but cars must be moved by 6 a.m.

Weekend parking is allowed, but residents are responsible for moving their vehicles by Monday morning to accommodate construction.

Water will be shut off:
Wednesday, November 13th. Water will be shut off on multiple blocks, see details below.

The NYC Department of Design and Construction has stated that there will be multiple flag persons available to assist with school buses and medical personnel entering and exiting the area

Kinus Hashluchim
The NYC Department of Design and Construction is aware of the Kinus Hashluchim conference happening at the end of the month and has instructed the contractor to hold off on construction during those dates.

Below are the dates and the construction activity in detail for the upcoming week:

Monday November 11th: Saw Cutting for Watermain Installation on the southside of President St from Albany Ave to Kingston Avenue

Tuesday November 12th: Saw Cutting and Tree Pruning on President St between Albany Avenue and Kingston Avenue

Wednesday November 13th: Watermain shutdown starting at 8AM. Water services will be returned before end of day (5PM Latest)

Streets that will be affected during this shutdown will be:

South Side President St between Kingston Avenue and Albany Avenue (20inch watermain)
South Side President Street between Albany avenue and Troy Avenue (20 inch watermain)
Right side of Albany Avenue between President Street and Union St (8 inch watermain)
Right side of Albany Avenue between Union St and Eastern PKWY (8 inch watermain)
Right Side of Albany Avenue between President Street between and Carrol St (8inch watermain)

The goal for Wednesday is to move the current position of the valve to President Street, so the contractor does not have to carry out this massive shutdown again. If it is corrected, only the immediate blocks will be affected during future water shutdowns.

Thursday November 14th: Watermain Installation on President Street (No shutdown, city will notify Monday nov 11th latest if it will be needed) South Side President St between Kingston Avenue and Albany Avenue

Friday November 15th: Watermain Installation On President St between Kingston Avenue and Albany Avenue      

For any questions or concerns, please reach out to Sophie Koutsoftas, the Community Construction Liaison for this project, or to Community Board 9. If the JFA can assist in any way, feel free to reach out to us as well.

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