Good News? Lefferts Ave Speed Camera Taken Down in Crown Heights


It depends how you look at it, but this might be good news for some in Crown Heights.

A speed camera located on Lefferts Ave in Crown Heights between Albany Ave and Kingston Ave has been taken down by the city, camera, pole, and all.

A Crown Heights resident told that he thought that the camera was missing last week, and when he went by today he confirmed it had been taken down.

This reversal against the trend may be looked at by some who dislike the cameras as a win., while to others who prefer to have the speed of cars checked, his may be a baffling loss.

Speed cameras in New York City are usually placed in school zones to photograph speeding vehicles and operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If your car is caught speeding by a speed camera, you are sent a Notice of Liability with a fine of $50.

If you receive fifteen or more school speed camera violations within a 12-month period, you may be required to complete a safe vehicle operation course. Failure to complete this course may result in your vehicle being seized and impounded. This law went into effect on October 26, 2020.


  • Nothing to do with school zones

    Speed cameras in New York City are placed within a quarter mile of a school. Which is basically anywhere. And operate 24/7, so nothing to do with school hours.

  • Red light cameras

    Forget speed cameras, we need red light cameras for the turning lanes specifically on eastern parkway. Shocking how many people don’t know that A RED ARROW MEANS STOP, NOT YOUR TURN. GREEN ARROW MEANS GO. Drivers constantly running them leading to near accidents everyday by incompetent drivers who never took a driving course or just simply don’t care about the lives of anyone else or themselves.

  • Good news

    These speed cameras are placed to make the city money. They have little to do with safety. I find speedbumps far more effective in slowing cars down that hidden cash grabbing cameras.

  • So sad.

    Why is this good news? We have people who drive like blind mad men.
    Anything that will get people to slow down and/or stop at red lights is a benefit to society.
    If you don’t speed and don’t ignore red lights, you would have no issue with the cameras. Shame on you if you do.

  • George Petterson

    That’s good however why don’t the people go after the city officials that are agreeing to make money off of these things by putting them up in the first place. Were are these meetings being held to decide these things and why don’t the community have a voice or appearance in these sad meetings. That’s the real kicker this is news after the fact that it was just put up without question.

  • Anonymous

    That’s not a win, it’s just being removed because it’s not making any money in it’s current location. Keep your eyes open it’ll pop up somewhere more lucrative it’s all about draining our pockets not safety.

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