Jewish Future Alliance: Upcoming Election Primary on June 25th
The Jewish Future Alliance wants to provide the community with information regarding the upcoming primary on June 25.
Upcoming Elections: Here’s how to participate.
Primary Election Day: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Polls Open: 6 am to 9 pm
Early Voting: Saturday, June 15, 2024 – Sunday, June 23, 2024
Early Voting Times: Please check online for specific times
Election for Civil Court Judge and District Leader
Judicial Candidates:
- Janice Robinson, Esq.
- Kenneth Gayle, Esq.
Candidates for District Leader:
- Akel Williams
- Anthony Beckford
- Sarana Purcell (unopposed, female leader)
In Assembly District 43, covering most of Crown Heights, there are no Assembly, Senate, or congressional races. Assembly Member Cunningham, Senator Myrie, and Congresswoman Clarke are all unchallenged.
The JFA reached out to both judicial candidates and asked them for a short statement on why Anash should vote for them.
Kenneth Gayle, Esq., Candidate for Civil Court Judge, 6th Municipal District:
“I am committed to upholding morality, safety, and equality in our court system with integrity, fairness, and compassion. I am dedicated to serving our Brooklyn community through my deep belief in ethics and the rule of law. I will work to ensure that our courts remain a pillar of trust and accountability for all Brooklyn residents. Bringing my family values, skills, and dedication to the bench will provide honesty, respect, and fairness for all.”
Janice Robinson, Esq., Candidate for Civil Court Judge, 6th Municipal District:
“Born and raised in Brooklyn, I am a wife, a mother, and a daughter of immigrants. I have been a civil defense litigator appearing in Brooklyn’s Civil Court for 22 years. I am keenly aware of what makes a judge effective: temperament, professionalism, knowledge of the law, the ability to listen, and respect for the litigants. I possess all of these attributes and will strive to provide fair and equal justice for Brooklyn with honesty and integrity.”
What Is a District Leader?
District Leaders represent each of Brooklyn’s 21 Assembly Districts. They are elected, unpaid leaders of the Brooklyn Democratic Party, with one male and one female representing each district. Every seat is up for election every two years. District Leaders vote on Democratic Party leadership, choose local judicial candidates, and staff polling sites

Andrea Karshan
I am not voting for Anthony Beckford. I have had interactions with him. And he seems very disorganized and all over the place. I emailed the email on his website to contact him. And I got no response. And I thought that was unprofessional. If you want to see something wild, go look at his TikTok.
A daughter of immigrants?
A daughter of immigrants?
Not a loyal American citizen?
Hello, migrant crisis. Welcome to our shores
It seems that “I am dedicated to serving our Brooklyn community through my deep belief in ethics and the rule of law. ” Might be the better candidate.
Please vote carefully
Jay Sorid
I would like to congratulate Assemb Cunningham and Sen Myrie for their No Primary Challenge Award from the Democratic Party – for sitting on the fence and never officially “opposing Vital Brooklyn.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/56kz8qgcet5nmguc9fvje/Cunningham-letter.pdf?rlkey=8dq9m0kt17398lm6n4mkyzu8o&dl=0 -“Letter showing “concern” but no opposition.
Thank the CH machers 4 Vital Brooklyn.
Vote Republican Only!
Politics etc
This shows the useless worthlessness of voting in the primaries Most of them don’t give a damn about us including the alleged Jewish future alliance. Save your vote for November & vote Republican for any other candidates I’d none write in one! Still a better choice That’s how you make a difference!!
Anthony Beckford
I will appreciate the support of the community. I have been an advocate since the age of 12 years old and have been consistent, present, accountable and hard working. I am a Father, U.S. Marine Corps Veteran, Long Serving Community Advocate and Former Personal Assistant to Assembly Member Brian Cunningham. I am endorsed by multiple District Leaders and Community Stakeholders.
You also couldn’t wait in your haste to praise a miscarriage of justice in a kangaroo court as “the system working.” Kindly sit down and shut up.
It is now for the new elected Vaad of Crown Heights to suggest the candidates for C.H.