BDE: Mrs. Ruth Averbuch, 89, OBM
With great sadness we report the passing of Mrs. Ruth Averbuch OBM, a longtime resident of Crown Heights. She passed away on Friday, the 2nf of Iyar, 5784.
She was 89 years old.
She is survived by her children; Rabbi Chaim Gershon Steinmetz (Southfield, MI), Dr. Chana Silberstein (Ithaca, NY), and Rabbi Avrohom Meir Binyomin Steinmetz (Sao Paulo, Brazil).
She is survived by her siblings, Mrs. Batya Wagner (Toronto, Canada), Mrs. Amina Newman (Long Beach, CA), Mr. Joseph Daniel Schochet (Toronto, Canada), Rabbi Elisha Shochet (Toronto, Canada), Rabbi Ovadia Schochet (Miami, FL), and Rabbi Ezra Schochet (Los Angeles, CA).
The Levaya took place today in NYC.
Shiva will be at 666 Crown Street, Brooklyn NY 11213. Minyanim may be updated.
Two minyanim needed.
First shachris: 7:30am
Second shachris: 9:00am
Mincha ten minutes before shkiya and maariv bizmanum.
2 minyanim for mincha ten/fifteen minutes before candle lighting and maariv bizmanum.
Baruch Dayan Hoemes