Pay-By-Plate Coming To NYC, Should Begins Installing in Crown Heights In The Spring of 2025


The NYC DOT has announced that it will begin replacing existing Pay-And-Display meters, which use printed receipts, with Pay-By-Plate meters starting in May of 2024. Crown Heights can expect to start seeing the installation of new meters in the Spring of 2025.

Installation of new Pay-By-Plate meters will begin in Upper Manhattan.

According to the NYC DOT website, the new Pay-By-Plate meters are touchscreen machines which have a larger solar panel as a power source.

Pay-By-Plate meters will require motorists to enter their license plate information when paying for metered parking. After payment is complete, users will no longer be required to display their receipt on their dashboard.

Parking zones with existing Pay-And-Display meters will still require users to display their receipt until they are replaced with the new machines. Always check posted signage and meters to confirm regulations and price.


  • Chelm

    Another way for NYC to make money. Used to be when I’m done with my paper and still had time on it, I could give it to a friend to finish the time. Or if someone needed to prove they paid for parking, they could just send a pic of the paper.

    Now when you leave your spot early, no refunds and no giving the rest of the time to a friend. City is now double dipping for every parkong spot!!

  • Mehaso

    And cops will just drive their cars up the street to scan and fine 300 cars per minute
    Its already that way in Europe and ppl hate this system

  • WHAT ???

    you have to put in your license plate number too,
    What for exactly ?
    So much information to put in,
    just to pay for a parking spot.

    Next thing they will tell you is to put in your social security number too, crazy.
    ? ? ? ? ? ?

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