The Mikvah on Carroll Street Will Offer Preparation Slots for Shluchos this Friday Afternoon
This weekend, thousands of Shluchos are staying in Crown Heights to attend the Kinus Hashluchos. As guests in other people’s homes, it may be difficult for some to find the privacy and space they need to prepare for Friday night mikvah.
The Mikvah, located at 1508 Carroll Street, is proud to announce that it will be opening for a one-hour time slot this Friday afternoon to give Shluchos a comfortable place to prepare for Friday night tevillah. Instead of worrying about where and when to prepare, Shluchos will have the time and space they need to get ready for mikvah in a calm and unrushed setting.
The Mikvah’s doors will be open for Shluchos from 2:30 to 3:30 PM on Friday afternoon, February 2, after which they can return to immerse after candle lighting.
The Mikvah will also offer late night hours on Sunday, February 4, until midnight, as an accommodation for Shluchos attending the banquet. Bookings available only in advance. Reserve your Friday afternoon preparation slot or late-night Sunday immersion slot by emailing For regular bookings please visit