Zos Chanukah is an Opportune Time for Tzedakah and Brochos

Zos Chanukah is an opportune time for Tzedakah and Brochos. Eight is connected with blessings that are beyond nature.

As the eighth and final candle is lit on the menorah, marking the last day of Chanukah, I thank the over 1200 people who brought light to our community this Chanukah. Thank you for partnering with CSSY to BE THERE for our community.

Nevertheless, we only reached half our goal. We need funds to BE THERE for them and we’re asking you to BE THERE for us! Will you partner with CSSY today and BE THERE for Crown Heights?

Our ambitious goal of raising $770,000 is not just a cliché, but it’s what is actually needed from now until Pesach!. People are knocking for help and we must open the door and BE THERE!

Will you BE THERE too?

The recipients of your generosity are not strangers—they are YOUR neighbors YOUR friends YOUR relatives and YOUR childrens’ classmates. Chances are you meet them every day. They are struggling, and your generosity will make all the difference to them.

BE THERE for your community because you care. Be the light that illuminates the path for those in need. Crown Heights is counting on you.

Thank you for Being There, caring, and being a beacon of light this Chanukah.

Please donate now and help us reach our goal

www.CSSY.org or
www.paypal.com/cssy $cssycashapp
Zelle: office@cssy.org