Update To Revel Parking Map Excludes The Jewish Area of Crown Heights…Again
by CrownHeights.info
Crown Heights ‘Revelers’ are gnashing their teeth after an update to the Revel Map again removed Crown Heights from its available area. In fact, the removal of Crown Heights wasn’t widespread, just the immediate area around Kingston Ave, where the Jews live.
In the weirdly cut area that includes one block above Eastern Parkway down to Empire Blvd and from Brooklyn Ave to Albany Ave, the highly Jewish areas are now off limits to revelers, and you wonder exactly how did they make this decision.
Revel had previously removed Crown Heights as a block from their map in 2022, but after a backlash and petition, returned the area.
Will the area return to green after Tishrei? We shall see.

Buy an electric scooter. Pretty much as safe, and your cost is a fraction of Revel.
Don't understand why they would donthis
Is there a reason that makes explains their action, other than pure discrimination?
Shouldn’t be afraid that people here are likely to steal or damage the bikes.
Maybe it’s a favor to limit the congestion and people ignoring traffic laws and basic mentshlichkeit as riders zip across traffic, sidewalks, etc. nearly knocking down pedestrians and terrifying drivers
Maybe no tipping?
Not to be rude, but frum people are not known tipping. This is why our restaurants have automatic service charges. This could easily play into the division. It’s like target locking up the most stolen products in certain stores. It’s not racist , it’s just based on facts.
This map is for the moped service where not only is tipping not expected but it’s not even an option
Please have a clear understanding before giving musser
This map seems to be inaccurate
The current moped map shows availability over all of Crown heights with exception of commercial area roads which are excludes in all areas. (Not particular to crown heights)