This Week’s Summer Learning Program: Chof Av Farbrengen and Shiurim
The Summer Learning Program hit series is continuing this week, each week there will be Shiurim on a variety of intriguing topics by leading magidei shiurim.
In addition of the three weekly shiurim, on Sunday there will be a farbrengen and seudah with Rabbi Michoel Golomb in honor of Chof Av.
Are you bored with the long summer nights?
Want to keep busy with something meaningful?
Join the Summer Learning Program with nightly shiurim by leading magidei shiurim with refreshments served!
At Mishkan Moshe Center, 580 Crown St.
Shiur starts at 8:15 PM. Followed by Maariv at 9:10 PM
This Week at The Summer Learning Program:
Sunday night – אור לכ’ אב
Starting 8:00 PM, followed by Mariv at 10:00
Chof Av Farbrengen with Rabbi Michoel Golomb, in honor of the yartzeit of the Rebbe’s father, Reb Levi Yitzchok
Fleishig Seuda will be served, (farbrengen is in partnership with the “Yeshiva Reines Shul”).
Monday night – 20 Av
Rabbi Yitzchak Hanoka – Senior Rabbinic Coordinator at OK Kosher
Kashrus standards and Kashrus Systems – From the lens of national Hechsherim and chassidishe Hechsherim
Tuesday night – 21 Av
Rabbi Levke Kaplan
What is the function of and how do we walk through nisyonos in our lives?
Wednesday night – 22 Av
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Living Joyfully: The Tanya way to finding happiness and fulfillment
לע”נ ר’ לוי יצחק אביו של הרבי ולע״נ אמי מורתי בינה בת ר׳ יהודה ארי-ה ליב
Stream the Shiurim at Youtube.com/IrgunTorah
Find more shiurim and torah podcasts at IrgunTorah.org
The Summer Learning Program is a joint project of Irgun Torah & MEF
Come join and learn something new and meaningful every night!