BDE: Mrs. Sylvia Ivry, 82, OBM

With great sadness we report the passing of Mrs. Sylvia Ivry OBM, a renowned Baalas Chesed and resident of Crown Heights. She passed away on Thursday, 29 Nissan, 5783.

She was 82 years old.

Sylvia opened her home to countless guests throughout her many years in Crown Heights. A pillar of Chesed, she volunteered with Bikur Cholim, Lubavitch Women’s organizations and many others, often visited nursing homes to cheer up the elderly

She is survived by her husband, R’ Yosef David Ivry, and children; Uri Yitzchak Ivry (Crown Heights), Michael Yehuda Ivry (Five Towns), Mrs. Batya Yocheved Friedman, Yochanan Chaim Ivry (Staten Island), Ilan Avraham Ivry, Naftali Yisrael Ivry, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The levaya will take place today at 12:30 pm at Shomrei Hachomos, 982 39th St, Brooklyn, NY. The levaya will pass by her home at 1365 Carroll St at 1:00 PM and will pass 770 Eastern Parkway at 1:15 pm.

Kevurah will take place in Eretz Yisroel on Friday at Eretz Hachaim Cemetary in Yerushalayim.

The family will sit shiva until Sunday evening in Netanya, Israel.

From Monday, the family will sit shiva at 1365 Carroll St #3B, Brooklyn, NY. Shacharis 8am, mincha 7:30pm

Baruch Dayan Hoemes

One Comment

  • F.F.R.

    Sylvia was a true tzadeikes.. An incredibly hard-working loving mother, always ready to lend a helping hand to everyone and anyone. I don’t think she ever sat idly. She was always busy working and doing mitzvas. A very very special lady!
    May she be the one to pull the final strings to bring Moshiach as she arrives in the world of truth!!!