New Store on Kingston Ave – Toast Baguette

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — After opening two successful restaurants outside of Crown Heights, the founder a resident of Crown Heights decided to open one for his neighbors. The new store located on Kingston Ave [between Montgomery St and Empire Blvd] specializes in salads and toasted baguettes and is known to let customers stuff thier sandwiches and salads with whatever they want. The manager said that they will have their full and extended menu ready for after Tishrei.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

The restaurant has seating for about 35 people and will be open daily till at least midnight. would like to wish them much Hatzlocha doing business here in Crown Heights.

Open Late


  • rinat

    to the harel family,
    we wish u lots of luck.the store is amazing, service and food is gr8!!!!welcome to the shchuna. mendy and rinat.

  • BrookAve

    Open til midnight? Quite convenient. Great, then our Holy youth will trek up the block to the ice cream store to hang for a few more hours. And just in time for Tishrei. Truck loads of girls from thousands of miles away will feast on salads and hommus. Hatzloocha Raba.

  • mil

    its a chain, they have one in boro park and flatbush, its basicaly the only store thats part of a chain elswhere.
    i was in the other ones but i think i still like the one here

  • No Pizza

    I was told they were going to sell pizza too, it was on their signage, but the existing pizza store a block away, which has raised its price for a slice of pizza to a ridiculous $2.50/slice, complained to the Rav and stopped them from selling pizza. Now the whole community will continue to suffer with overpriced pizza, or none at all. There has to be a better way. If Kingston Pizza wants a monopoly the Rav should make them lower their prices.

  • a happy customer

    they will have pizza hopefully in a few days.or right after the holidays same for pastas and delivery, about the service , they are doing their best its a new store, its bh very busy, dont forget that the workers are new to the job. and they want us to be happy!!!!!!!! and we get what we pay for, their prices are very very low….the food is the best and the service is the best one from all food stores around!

  • Vitel

    I think the food and the service is absolutely excellent – well done to the staff and especially the Mashgiach

  • Vitel

    I think the food and the service is absolutely excellent – well done to the staff and especially the Mashgiach

  • sara

    the greatest restaurant in crown heights,finally we can see something good is going on in crown heights.very happy they opened!!