Two Pedestrians Struck In Crown Heights Wednesday, Shomrim and Hatzalah Respond


Wednesday was a busy day for Shomrim and Hatzalah of Crown Heights with multiple vehicle crashes and pedestrians struck.

Three major incidents highlighted the day with the first at around 3:00pm on President Street and New York Ave, where a vehicle T-boned another in the intersection, entangling the two vehicles. Crown Heights Shomrim was on the scene ensuring safety and assisting in disentangling the vehicles. Thankfully there were no injuries.

The second incident took place at around 6:30pm on Kingston Ave and President street, where a pedestrian had their foot ridden over by a car. Shomrim and Hatzalah responded to the scene, with Hatzalah transporting the person who thankfully did not suffer serious injuries. Shomrim remained on the scene to assist the parties for more than three hours while waiting for the police to arrive and take a report.

The third incident took place near midnight when a car struck a bicyclist on the Eastern Parkway Service Lane near the intersection of New York Ave. Hatzalah transported the bicyclist with injuries to the head where he impacted the vehicle’s windshield. FDNY EMS transported the vehicle’s driver to the hospital as well. Shomrim was on the scene as well providing scene safety.