2nd Pre-Purim “Satire Challenge” Launches With Jewish Comedy Influencers
This is not a joke…..we promise!
CrownHeights.info has launched it’s second ever Pre-Purim “Satire Challenge”, challenging you – our readers – to make other people laugh.
Get into the spirit of Purim by putting pen to paper, fingers to keyboard, or mouth to whatever-system-you-are-using-these-days to transcribe word to text, and create the funniest Satire you can come up with. Hey, you might even win a prize!
Write it – Submit It – We Will All Laugh Ourselves Silly – Then Judge It
Satire: sat·ire – The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
Here Are The Rules:
-Submitted Satire Articles Must Be at least 100 words long.
-Articles must be submitted exclusively to CrownHeights.info, Monsey.info, or the JewishMiami.info websites. All submissions must have the word SATIRE in the title.
–No people or organizations may be negatively targeted.
-All articles are subject to decision on being published by the website editor.
Looking to submit an article? Our email is news@crownheights.info.
Want to support this worthwhile project? Reach out to us on any of our platforms to donate a prize!

When is the deadline for Satire submissions ?
Winners will be chosen on Purim
Anonymous Again
And if I take some of my precious time to write this, do I at least get a free subscription to your newspaper ?
Just me
Thank you very much for doing this. We all need a little laughter in our lives.