Expanded Bus Service From Crown Heights to the Ohel for Yud Shvat
by CrownHeights.info
In honor of Yud Shvat, the Ohel Bus Service will be providing extra subsidized transportation round trip from Crown Heights to the Ohel on Tuesday, Jan. 31st through Thursday, Feb. 2nd.
Buses will leave from the Draidel, at a subsidized price of $7 round-trip or one-way.
For men, women and children, without registration.
Tuesday, Tes Shvat – Jan. 31st.
From Crown Heights: Every Half Hour from 8:00am through Midnight
From The Ohel: Every Half Hour from 9:00am through 1:00am
Wednesday, Yud Shvat – Feb. 1st
From Crown Heights: Every Half Hour from 4:00am through 7:00am, and from 5:00pm through Midnight
From The Ohel: Every Half Hour from 5:00am through 8:00am, and from 6:00pm through 1:00am
Thursday, Yud Aleph Shvat – Feb. 2nd
From Crown Heights: Every Half Hour from 8:00am through 2:00pm, and a single bus at 7:00pm
From The Ohel: Every Half Hour from 9:00am through 3:00pm, and a single bus at 8:45pm
Daily Bus Schedule:
CH: 9:00am and 7:00pm
From Ohel: 10:45am and 8:45pm
The Ohel Bus (under different management) leaves from daily 770 at 10:30am ($15), and departs the Ohel 45 minutes after arrival.
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For More information go to bustoohel.com. For contact, or to leave a comment, email bustoohel@gmail.com.