New Eastern Parkway Crosswalk In Crown Heights? It’s Not A Joke

L’chatchila Ariber may not have been meant like this, but some Crown Heightsers have decided to blaze their own path and create their own Eastern Parkway crosswalk.

It may sound like a joke, but agree with this or not, there is now a newly painted crosswalk spanning Eastern Parkway just past the Albany Ave intersection.

Rumor, or myth, has it that a group of bochurim from Chovevei Torah got fed up having to cross the street at the Albany Ave intersection and created their own path, complete with white stripes across the Parkway and a graffiti’ed “Yechi Hamelech” for good measure.

Regardless of the creator, it is not a legal nor safe way to cross Eastern Parkway, and should obviously not be used.


  • This is frightening

    If you told me it was some kind of antisemitic graffiti to make us look bad, it would have been more believable and less disturbing.

    Are in the bochrim so out of touch with reality that they don’t realize how dangerous this is?

    Heaven help the fools.

    • Chovevai boshur

      Hey, im a chovevai bochur. You are right we are not 100% so please help us, being in yeshiva is so hard these days specially with people like you living in crown heights. So please do us bochrim a favour and find something useful to do instead of trashing on bochrim.
      Yours truly
      One of the many people who think your comment is stupid.

  • A Neighbor to Chovevei

    We live on the block of the Chovevei Dorm. We have this discussion every year with the Rosh Yeshiva. The bochurim are not only making a chilul hashem by crossing in the middle of the block, they are putting themselves in DANGER. Every year a bochur gets hit by a car – one day it will be fatal. In addition, the small children on our block are watching – if a big bochur crosses it must be okay!

  • Lazer

    The Frediker Rebbe was totally against crossing in middle of EP he was very vocal of it.

  • I am a bochur in chovevei.

    This was not done by bochrim in chovevei. It was bored tzfatis in 770

  • Serious bochur

    Go ahead, blame the bochurim! How about farmers of crown heights who are out of touch with Judaism! Tznius? Like whats more dangerous, walking with a hat and jacket in the middle of the street or on a sidewalk not tznius.
    Do we care about our physical lives or our spiritual lives. Its just so out of touch!

    • Upset girl

      This is amazing! I love how you call yourself “serious bachur” but at the same time manage to notice how the “farmers” in crown heights dress!! There are clear halachos in shulchan aruch about walking in the street, not just in relation to how you may or may not dress, there are also halachos of how you may or may not walk!

    • Re: Upset girl

      where does it say in Shulchan Aruch not to cross in the middle of the street? do you even know what chalek of Shulchan aruch that would be in? Or how many chelakim shulchan has? stop quoting “halchah” unless you can source it.

  • Spectator

    I know of 2 people that have been hit by cars at this corner. One nearly died and the other was walking after a few days.
    Both happened in in the crosswalk..
    So yeah this crosswalk thing is quite dangerous better to walk in the street without it…

  • rafi

    it was fried out buchurim doing it I saw them at 3:30 am but it was a farbi so you can’t blame them.
    It looked like there were from chovive
    they were in hoodies!

    and I do think that the tzniyos in CH can use some help what the videos show before g’ tamuz and now is absolutely disgusting but I think the reason why its like this is because Chabad is so accepting.

    we need moshiach ASAP!!

    • ty

      ty if even the achei guys agree it must have been good
      thans for the support

      choyvevay bachur

  • Yossi

    I find it beyond belief that people that claim to be religious feel that they have the right to damage public property. This is also regarding people that damage property in 770 and any other place that doesn’t belong to them.

  • wow

    obviously a lot of chovevei bochurim hijacking the comments here.

    its wrong, its a chilul hashem, its dangerous. stop defelcting.
    i think the hanhollah is doing a good job there but they have to put their foot down on this, a statement or apology and somehelp for the bochurim that did this.

    also very easy to see which comments here were written by bochurim, youre not as smart as you think;)

    • zalmy

      you sound upset but you don’t know what we go thru every day too cross the road i think its time that city make a cross walk for us and since they didn’t we did
      moshicha now!!!!

  • Appreciative:)

    Hi there,

    I am a chovivei bochur and love this idea cuz it is so helpful for the cars to know where to slow down



  • Shaina

    I love how these bochrim will now be safe. Imagine what would happen if it was after a Farby and there was no crosswalk!
    Instead of cleaning up paint from the pavement it would be something quite different.