This Article Was Flagged For Being Too Real

It’s almost blasphemous to call it by name. It’s known, ominously, as “yene machlah, that illness.”

“That illness” doesn’t begin as “that illness.” It begins with a red flag. A lump is felt, or pain, or fatigue. The doctor does some routine tests. When they come back, there are some red flags.

To rule out anything serious, you are referred to a specialist. The specialist does some more tests, and, Rachmana Litzlan, he sadly cannot rule out anything serious. It’s very serious. Deathly serious.

Life has just been utterly and completely overturned. What began as a red flag became “that illness.”

“That illness” drains you physically, emotionally, mentally, personally, socially, professionally, financially.

“That illness” drains your entire family. Who watches the kids during months of treatment? Who pays for the astronomical bills? Who knows the right doctors? Who is familiar with the best treatments? Who deals with the insurance?

Too many times to count, that one red flag has devastated an entire family, an entire community, an entire world.

Or has it? Is there perhaps someone, somewhere that can help turn the red flags of “that illness” to yellow flags of hope? Maybe, just maybe, there is one individual who could write a different narrative?

There is! You! Today, right now, right here, you can raise the flag of hope!

RCCS exists for one reason: to bring hope, joy, and healing to Klal Yisroel by doing everything possible to ensure that “that illness” loses and life wins.

Could we do it without you? If we could, we wouldn’t be writing this article, nor would we be running the RCCS 2022 Red Flag Auction.

We can’t do it without you.

You are the flag-bearer, the flag-flier, the flag-raiser, and for that we salute you!