TONIGHT: We Begin Saying “Vsain Tal Umatar Livrocha”

by Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, member of the Badatz of Crown Heights

Sunday night, the eve of 11th of Kislev, marks sixty days since the onset of the Tishrei tekufah (autumn season). Therefore, those who live outside Eretz Yisroel start to say the winter prayer of v’sein tal umatar liverachah in the Amidah blessing of Bareich aleinu, replacing v’sein brachah, which is recited throughout the summer months. The winter phrase will continue to be recited on all weekdays until (and inclusive of) the Minchah service of erev Pesach.

The gabbai should not announce to say tal umatar between the blessing of Hashkiveinu and the start of the Amidah.

Several laws apply in case v’sein tal umatar (or even just the word u’matar) was not said, as laid out below:

One Comment

  • No. 7 Looks Like a Typo

    Looks like it should say that if you remembered only after the time to recite the next tefillah has arrived, then to recite the next Amidah and then repeat the Amidah to make up for the earlier Amidah. In other words to say it and repeat it once… not to repeat it twice.