Emblematic Problem – The AMI Magazine Tells The Story of the Crown Heights Hatzalah Logo
by CrownHeights.info
In this past week’s edition of the AMI Magazine, Yedidya Levin featured an article on the “Star of Life” emblem, and how the Crown Heights Hatzalah Logo came about.
In the article, Levin explains the background of the Star of Life symbol which is used to identify emergency medical services. It features a blue six-pointed star outlined by a white border. The middle contains a staff and snake (Rod of Asclepius), an ancient symbol of medicine based on Greek Mythology.
When Rabbi Yehuda Leib Bistritzky, one of the founders of Crown Heights Hatzalah, brought a flyer advertising a Melava Malka fundraiser to the Rebbe, the Rebbe responded that the Star of Life had to be removed.
After that, Hatzalah of Crown Heights changed its logo to replace the staff and snake with a heart and burning torch, the logo that remains until this day.