TONIGHT: Neshamos – What Do We Do NOW?

We are standing at a crossroads.

There are individuals in our community, within our schools, shuls and grocery stores, suffering in silent anguish. Young children have fallen mute to their shock, confusion, and helplessness. Teenagers are uninformed. Many of our victims cannot comprehend the extent of what is happening to them.

To what do we speak of?

Sexual Abuse. (noun)

โ€œThe infliction of sexual contact upon a person by forcible compulsion.โ€

That’s how Merriem- Webster legally defines it.

I wonder if a survivor would encapsulate and limit their experience to that mere definition.

Does this simple definition fully convey the full extent of the damage inflicted by sexual abuse? The mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical consequences caused by sexual trauma?

If you knew more, perhaps you would define it differently.

Sexual violence statistics state that 1 in 4 women and 1 out of 6 men are sexually abused in their lifetime; In 8 out of 10 rape cases, the victim knows the attacker.

Abuse does not discriminate between any community, religion, or faith.

We are not immune.

What can we do now?
We cannot take away their pain. We cannot undo what has been done.


We CAN show up.

We CAN educate ourselves.

We CAN learn tools for prevention.

On Monday, February 14th*, Neshamos will be hosting a historic event. NOW is the time to show up for our victims, to lend your support and to raise awareness so that we can cause vital and significant change for our community.

The evening will commence with Rabbi Braun, Rav of Crown Heights. He will give halachic insight in regards to this matter.

Following that, Dr. Akiva Pearlman, PhD, LCSW, will aim to educate the crowd about the implications of sexual abuse. This type of trauma has neurological ramifications, as well as physical and emotional effects. From his professional and experiental standpoint, he hopes to empower the audience with tools and knowledge to arm themselves in facing this matter.

To close out the evening we will hear from Rabbi Avremi Zippel, Shliach to Salt Lake City, Utah, as well as survivor of childhood sexual abuse. Zippel will share his story with us and allso enlighten the audience with his vision for the future. Is there more to the story than we are aware? Can we create a dignified space for survivors? What steps can we take to move forward?

Neshamos is moved to be hosting an event of this caliber, and we would be honored to witness your participation and care. It is our wholehearted belief that this evening can prompt waves of inspiration, awareness, and change for our Lubavitch community.

As a united front, now is the time that we must come forward stronger than ever.

Neshamos is organizing support groups for survivors of sexual abuse. To stay informed, please fill out this anonymous form.