InTENTion: 10th Edition

In honor of the increased joy of Chodesh Adar (!משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה), four brand new joyous features anchor the 10th edition of INTENTION.

·  Family Profile profiles an Oholei Torah family. In this edition we have the honor and pleasure of featuring The Forster Family.

·  AlumnEye turns our focus on an Oholei Torah alum. In this edition we have the honor and pleasure of focusing the lens of our eye on Rabbi Yisroel Noach Lipskier.

·  A Yiddisheh Kop—איין אידישע ווארט analyzes a single Yiddish word, its meaning, usage, and application in Chassidus.

·  Kid’ush HaChodesh is a trivia feature challenging our kids (adult kids too!) to spend a few minutes decrypting some of the Sodos embedded into the month of Adar Aleph. 

In our perpetual effort to welcome all (and all faculties) to the Tents of Torah, we hope that these four new features will engage your mind, heart, and soul, becoming staples for many months to come.

Wishing you and all of Klal Yisroel a freilichen Chodesh Adar!