Christian Missionary Material Disguised As Jewish

Many residents of Crown Heights awoke this morning to find a package with a picture of the Western Wall and a Menorah containing booklets and DVDs on their doorsteps.

The envelope says it is sent by the โ€œIsrael Restoration Ministries,โ€ but a quick glance inside affirms the source of the material: Missionaries targeting Jews in a bid for new converts to Christianity.

Please be advised of the content before bringing it into your home.


  • shg

    ive gotten this type of missionary literature before.
    I put it in the recycle.
    good that people are notified. can never hurt

  • it's like spam

    they send out to thousands of Jews and if they get one to respond, it is all worth it to them

  • Michal

    It was given out last week in Philadelphia too and i took as many as i could and put them in the garbage. Sounds like a very wealthy Israeli from LA who converted is sponsoring it .

  • Yossi

    These were distributed in Boca Raton, Florida last week as well. Pretty crazy