Hashovas Aveida: A very large sum of cash was found in 770 downstairs this past Motzai Shabbos and the Gaboim seek to reunite it with its owner.

Very Large Sum of Cash Found in 770

Hashovas Aveida: A very large sum of cash was found in 770 downstairs this past Motzai Shabbos and the Gaboim seek to reunite it with its owner.

According to Reb Yosef Losh a child who was playing in 770 found a package and turned it over to one of the Gabboim, who discovered that it contained a very large sum of money in cash. Due to the nature and size of the package it is unlikely that it was simply lost.

If you think that the money belongs to you and wish to claim it, the Gaboim have requested that you contact their office at (718) 774-1770.


  • Mike Schwartz

    I hope the finders of the lost object, will be successful in finding the owner. …and “maybe” the grateful owner, will donate some of the money, to a worthy cause.

  • Eliyahu hanovi

    maybe its the same guy who just “lost” a half a billion at the Kosel. Maybe he’ll be coming to my shul some day soon.

  • kudos to the finder

    funny no. 2 bec. i was already admiring such honesty. who knows. if it is aless emes, then really kol hakovod to the finder.

  • CHT

    If you intended to drop it for charity, please make a note – it was dropped for charity along with the dollar amount for verification. Thank you.

  • Lipa Sh

    It belongs to a hard Working Pan-Handler, but he has more stashes in The city,

    Please redeposit it to The Shul Thank you!

  • tallis

    Non of you believed That Hashem dropped it there, Where is the Emuna, Someone asked in Dvening for that

  • I wonder

    if Homeland security “invested” so much money in securing 770 they can look at the cameras and find the looser,
    BUT if the money was not used for security ARREST THIS CRIMINALS =GABOYIM = GANOVIM and send them to YOISHEV BESEISER
    the same way “someone” lost a big package of money
    what stop him from “loosing” a small BOMB ???