Photo Gallery: The Aftermath of the Inferno

After being consumed by a raging fire in the middle of the night, the New York City Dept. of Buildings has issued an order to vacate the entire building, as parts of it have been deemed to be in danger of collapse.

In a show of true unity and hospitality, many neighbors have opened their homes to accept many of the now homeless residents of the blaze.

Fire marshals are investigating the cause of the fire.


  • malcab

    OMG – such a disaster –

    i truly hope no one living there was hurt – material property can be replaced – lives cant – as long as not lives were lost its a great nes

  • Faivel M.(Phil) Chandler, NYS DHES, OFPC

    Let this too be an Ellul wake-up call; Fire does not discriminate–it can happen anytime, anywhere and affect anyone. We all must be prepared: Have working smoke detectors in every bedroom and hallway adjacent to bedrooms,have a home evacuation plan and regularly practice it (E,D.I.T.H.–exit drills in the home)and always be careful, especially in not leaving cooking unattended. When fire strikes, there is only one course of action–Stay low and go!

  • Shais

    I believe my friend lived in this building about 12 years ago while in Kollel. He walked over a dead guy lying on the steps by the entrance.

  • Where is the full story????

    I am concerned that there is no mention of the fact that this fire has been deemed suspicious by the FDNY and that several members of the over 100 responding FDNY personnel were injured during this blaze. Where is the true reporting of this story? Why is there no mention of the fact that there was a fire, a few months back, in the same area of the said building. All of this is questionable to whether this was arson or not.