Supporters of JEM gathered last night for the opening of a gallery of the photos of Yossi Melamed, named “770 through Yossi's lens.” The gallery is open to the public at no charge from 27 Sivan (June 17) until 11 Tammuz (July 1).

Gallery of Yossi Melamed’s Photography Opens

Supporters of JEM gathered last night for the opening of a gallery of the photos of Yossi Melamed, named “770 through Yossi’s lens.” The gallery is open to the public at no charge from 27 Sivan (June 17) until 11 Tammuz (July 1).

362 Albany Avenue [corner Union St.] in Crown Heights.

Sunday: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Mon – Thu: 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Fri: 10:00 AM – 2 Hours before Shabbos

Photos by Baruch Ezagui