Rabbi Raitport Inspires Bochurim of Oholei Torah

On Monday, the 3rd of Nissan, Rabbi Yitzchok Raitport, a major patron of Oholei Torah, was hosted by the Hanholas Hayeshiva.

Rabbis Sholom Rosenfeld, Director and Nosson Blumes, Director of Development, gave Rabbi Raitport a tour of the campus, where he visited the classrooms of the Mechina division, the Katz Beis Medrash and also the Raitport Beis Medrash where he gave a most inspiring shiur on pesach, and on Mesachtas Kiddushin, which the bochurim are learning this year.

As Rabbi Raitport entered the large Beis Medrash, he was greeted by Rabbi Yisroel Freidman, Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Elchonon Leshes, dean and Rabbi Shlomo Segal, a member of the Crown Heights Beis Din and a maggid shiur in the yeshiva.

He also shared with the bochurim thoughts on the Haggodah and pesach so that they can share with their families and others. Following the shiur, many crowded around to ask further questions on the topics that were discussed, and delve deeper into the shiur.

With great amazement Rabbi Raitport noted how Oholei Torah has outgrown the current campus, and how every inch of the campus is utilized to its maximum. “It brings me the greatest pleasure and satisfaction to see how bochurim are sitting and learning, and for that I thank Oholei Torah” Rabbi Raitport commented when seeing the vast amount of bochurim sitting in the Zal.