Michael Savage

Audio: Savage Slams Councilwoman’s Remarks

“A hate crime against a Jew today is a hate crime against someone else tomorrow,” declared nationally syndicated talk show host Michael Savage to millions of listeners on his radio program,  as he called out newly elected councilwoman Laurie Cumbo for her insensitive comments regarding the resentment of blacks toward the Jewish community.


    • Anonymous

      just because we agree with him, doesn’t make him a mentsch,,, He’s actually quite rude and antagonistic.


    Where is the community council????? why are they not organizing a protest for this anti semite to be removed before she even steps up???? It’s because of their lack of action ALL THE TIME that all these things happen 100 times more in Crown Heights than in other neighborhoods. Williamsburg or Boro park would have been protesting immediately and would not stop until they eliminated this poison from spreading her wings. PEOPLE OF CROWN HEIGHTS, IF YOU INTEND TO KEEP LIVING HERE AND WANT YOUR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS TO FEEL SAFE, IT’S TIME WE START TAKING ACTION IN OUR OWN HANDS!!

    • ROFL

      The community council? It’s because of them we have meseira, conflict, attacks on Jews & overt racism. And these are the people thse idiots say will help us. Well, how’s THAT working out for you, you corrupt creeps? OK for you…not so good for the rest of us.

    • Yossel

      WHO CARES, you are correct! We are torn between the warnings that were present in Germany back in 1933, and the Rebbe’s statements that we shouldn’t leave.

      Yes, that woman’s remarks are the equivalent of what the German people were saying before y’mach sh’mo became Chancellor of Germany.

      Wake up, Jews! Your safety is being compromised yet again!!

  • Good For You, Mr Savage!

    It’s unusual these days for someone to go against the flow and stand up boldly for what is right. Admirable.

  • Thank you Savage

    Michael Savage is right. She claims she heard this from interviewing residents here. That means the residents are anti Semites, big news! the fact is she looks to find justification for something that should be inexcusable!

  • you elected her!

    I’m (not) surprised by all the comments. These are the same people – I’m assuming – who elected her to the office. All electorate should be do their homework on the candidates – no one is forcing anyone to follow recommendations by any action group/community council – if anything their recommendations should be discounted because they are always politically motivated – and usually not based in reality. Another perfect example is the election of Yvette Clarke to Brooklyn’s 9th District to the US House of Representatives. Clarke thought Slavery existed – by the Dutch – in Brooklyn in 1898 even though President Lincoln banned it in 1865!! These are the people that represent Brooklyn and Crown Heights. Stop blaming everyone else and do your civic duty!

  • Kiva

    Did anyone else watch the knockout video? What did that teacher who was knocked out do to deserve it? Are teachers taking over black neighborhoods too?

  • Texas, Fear

    Is this game being played, maybe. Is it nationwide? No.

    It’s not being played in Hawaii or most southern states especially Texas.

    We all know why this game is not being played in Texas. I say nothing further.

  • Lifelights

    B”H for Michael Savage! But where are the Crown Heightsers?????? If they don’t stand up for themselves, NOBODY else will. History repeating itself????!!!!!!!