Can You Identify These Children for Oprah Winfrey?

In the midst of filming for the latest episode of her new show Next Chapter in the Brooklyn Chassidic community, Oprah Winfrey‘s team caught footage of a few Jewish Children in Crown Heights. According to law, the footage can not be shown without the permission from the children’s guardian/s, so Oprah contacted and asked if our readers would help identify them so that they may be contacted to request their consent.


  • Sure!

    Mendy, Shneor Zalman, Berel, Shmuly, Fitchi, Sholom Ber, Yosef Yitchok and Zalmy, (I think that may be Mendel on the side).


    but they can release it now and show it to the whole world?
    why even ask permission its already done…

  • Strange

    Strange. Shouldn’t we make sure that oprah plans on putting a positive spin on crown heights before going ahead and allowing her to do a segment on the crown heights Jewry? Those childrens parents should not give permission though they are gorgeous children k”h.


    Why on G-d’s earth as a frum, chasidishe and devoted mother would I want my kids identified with Oprah who claimed (on her old show)the Holocaust was an exageration. Are Crown Heightsers so ignorant of facts? or just plain stupid! She doesn’t give a damn about us, it’s all for her own selfish sensationalism. And now that Crown Heights is “on the map” it makes good dramatic sense to her. Wake up people, stop being dooped by a gornisht shebegornisht. What has she ever done for any Jewish institution????? Think hard. actually that’s not necessary because the answer is ridiculously simple. she has done NOTHING! NADA! ZILCH! and you parents have no problem with her exploiting your precious neshamos?????????????

  • jewish mother 2

    comment # 18 is right on. keep those kids away from media shtick. keep our kids innocent if we can help it.