When a beloved individual in the Crown Heights Jewish community had a heart attack during a Jewish holiday in 1976, the ambulance arrived too late to save his life. The tragedy gave birth to a volunteer ambulance group, Chevrah Hatzalah, which in Hebrew literally means rescue team.

Why Is the Hatzolah Truck Parked in Front of 770?

When a beloved individual in the Crown Heights Jewish community had a heart attack during a Jewish holiday in 1976, the ambulance arrived too late to save his life. The tragedy gave birth to a volunteer ambulance group, Chevrah Hatzalah, which in Hebrew literally means rescue team.

The first ambulance was purchased by the founder of the Brooklyn rescue team, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Bistritzky. The van was parked outside of Lubavitch World Headquarters. Although, at the time that was a central location in the community, it also got them in trouble.

The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, sent a message to Rabbi Bistritzky instructing him to remove the caduceus from the Hatzalah logo. The Rebbe explained that the Greek symbol is sourced in idolatry should not be used. It was immediately removed and later replaced with a heart that has been adopted by many of the Jewish volunteer groups.

Where to Keep the Ambulance?

One would think the best place to keep an ambulance would be in an indoor parking garage. Keeping it in a warm place, protected from the elements, would prevent the vehicle from needing to be warmed up and save time in an emergency.

Nevertheless, when exiting the Kingston Avenue train station the ambulance is parked outside on the cold street. A contraption of wires hangs out from the synagogue building to keep the ambulance warm.

But why? Who would want to see an ambulance every day? Why would we want to be reminded of sick people? Anyone who has been rushed to the hospital in an ambulance will never forget the misery of the ride.

But the Rebbe, with his passion for finding the positive in everything, saw it very differently. The Rebbe emphasized the importance of preventive medicine. The Rebbe encouraged doctors to dedicate themselves to preventing illness, rather than waiting until people are sick and then treating them.

The Rebbe explained that when a person knows there are competent doctors available, it gives the person a certain serenity and peace that prevents illness.

Similarly, the Rebbe explained that seeing the ambulance regularly will remind people to be preemptive with their health and take steps to staying healthy.

“Hopefully, like this, they will never have to see a doctor in the case of emergency!”


  • the rebbe once said

    i’m not sure where its printed but the rebbe once mentioned that when u see the the hatzolo van is not outside 770 because it went to help someone – you should be reminded to ssay a kapital tehillim. and not necessarily for negative things, it could be that a woman is giving birth!!!

  • I & Nn formerly of Empire B Now on Crown

    Chessed runs in that family it is now Rabbi Bistritzky’s grand-son-in-law Rabbi Menachem Mendel Gorodetsky that is the Hatzalaha Co-ordinator for Crown Heights. A finer person you cant find. We are lucky to have him.

    As a reminder, there will be a Hatzalaha event this coming Motzei Shabbos at Oholei Menachem ballroom, everyone in the community are strongly encouraged to come, there will be a raffle, food, and good advice given dispensed free of charge.

  • Thinkster

    They can park the Hatzolah ambulance in my living room if they want to. It’s all about saving lives. If someone doesn’t like the position of the ambulance, they can go jump. But make sure Hatzolah is there first.

  • Hatzola

    Hatzolo actually started in Williamsburg in the 60’s when someone saw a neighbor die of a heart attack and was unable to do something about it,only later was it begun in Crown Heights. The name Hatzola actally comes from a passage in Shaarei Teshuva of Rabbenu Yonah.

  • CH MOM

    Hatzola should let any one that can help be involved, it’s meant to help people not be some type of fraternity or men’s club.

  • 2#2

    actually, it’s rabbi bistritzky’s son yingy who is the the executive coordinator in ch, together with rabbi simpson, and Dr rosen. but you are right that his son-in-law is a coordinator a very nice person as well.

  • the rebbe said

    the rebbe said in a sicha, (i think it was, vayeshev 5747) that when moshiach will come, the hatzoloh ambulance will go on the clouds together with the rest of klal yisroel.

  • What-s the answer to the question...

    The “unanswered” question remains:

    Is being parked in front of 770 the best place for the ambulance?

    Maybe a more central location in the shchuna, closer to the res ponders of a Hatzalah call?