Designer Creates Sign for Obama to See

In anticipation of President Barrack Obama‘s arrival in Crown Heights and his drive up Kingston Avenue tomorrow, there has been a lot of talk among members of the community about rallying to the cause of achieving justice for Sholom Rubashkin, whose draconian sentence Obama has the power to commute.

A member of the community went ahead and designed a sign, which he plans on displaying to the presidential motorcade in the hope that it will catch the president’s attention. We are publishing the design (below) for anyone who wishes to participate in the effort.

For a large version of the sign in PDF format, click here.



    • Avraham Yosef Follick

      If it’s asking for a password, try right-clicking on the picture and select “save link as”

      Most likely it’s asking for a password because you have google docs selected as your in-browser PDF viewer.

  • sign

    Great sign! There should be hundreds of people holding that sign all along the Empire Blvd and Kingston Ave. route…so it’s non-stop messages of the release of Sholom Mordechai..what we hope he will seriously consider. Hatzlocha!

  • they should make thousands of copies!

    it should be plastered all over and pppl should carry them too!!!

  • protester

    I’m prepared to stand on the route & silently & stony-faced hold the sign for El Presidente to see. What time does he whizz past us?

  • great idea!

    yaser koach to whomever thought of it!
    we should all go out and do a big effort now that we have teh chance!

  • want to help

    maybe send a sign home with kids from school then many homes will receive it and wont have to print it. cos not everyone has a printer

  • moishie

    Sorry to disappoint you but his route up Kingston Ave mignt be a decoy his real route is not published for secutity.

  • to #6

    Due to security, there will be no information given as to when the President will pass by Empire or Kingston. That’s why they give you an approximate time of
    3-6 p.m….and because of security they may even trick you and Obama will come earlier and whiz past the route. Besides hand held signs there should be Free standing signs.

  • moty

    I dont live in ch but a good idea would be to put a big banner across from one side of the street to the other side for rubashkin..

  • First Name, Middle Name

    Why only the last name? If Obama sees the signs will he even know who it is?

  • Signs for Rubashkin

    Amazing Thank you for doing this.

    They say he should be passing through kingston Ave somewhere between 3pm and 3:30 Lets all make an effort to be there.

    Print some extra signs for other people.

  • mendel

    it is my opinion that rubaskin is a convicted felon and a liar and is a disgrace to all jews…these coments make me wonder what you are thinking….he is an example of what a jew should not be..i hope he enjoys this shabbos and don’t make all jews embarrased by your naive actions as our president comes through a jewish neighborhood… your neighbors behave toward you as you behave toward them…play nice nice… this isn’t your ghetto… other folks live here as well including those you have no respect for except for their tax dollars…non-so-frum as you cult people

    • Milhouse

      Go to ****, “mendel” (if that’s your name). Sholom Rubashkin is a far better person than you can ever hope to be. You should only wish that your children might be half as good as him.

    • BS

      Regardless of your opinion about Mr. RUBASHKIN you have to be a fool to think that his unjust sentence is just and equal to any other convictions of similar doing. You think you will save the world by being silent. Wait till it comes to your door. Big Tzadik, you never broke the law in your life..

  • I agree with #22.

    Rubashkin created a hillul Hashem on a national scale and showed the world that some Jews can be major law breakers.

    • Milhouse

      You have no idea what “hilul Hashem” means. It’s a chilul haShem when Jews side with the poretz against their own people. It’s a chilul haShem when Jews think the “law” is more important than the Torah, more important than loyalty to our fellow Jews, more important than chessed and tzedokah and eidelkait. It’s a chilul haShem when a Jew breaks Shabbos or eats treif in public, or marries out, and nobody says anything about it. And it’s an even bigger chilul haShem when the same people who say nothing about the mechalel shabbos, then get all in a fuss about someone who did nothing wrong but is a “major law breaker”.


    Caring individuals have prepared excellent big signs of all sizes. Come NOW to the following places to pick up:

    – 770 downstairs (near big pushka)
    – Kahn’s inside
    – Kol Tuv outside
    – B.R. on Crown St (in lobby)
    – The Sushi Spot

    Instructions: Starting from early afternoon (don’t wait till 2:30 or 3, it may be too late), pay attention to any sign of the motorcade and head out to that street and display your signs.

    Please pick up a few so that you can hand to your family, friends and to other people on the street.

    AIBERSHTER, WE ARE DOING OUR PART. Please get up and take part!

    • Internet Askan

      Yesterday I suggested that the community come out to greet the President warmly, and you can read the vitriol it brought out against him. Why should the president spend even one second of his presidency considering the demands of such people? Maybe the American Friends of Lubavitch can make sense of this to the White House.

  • Signs available for pickup!!

    Please spread the word!

    Caring individuals have prepared excellent big signs of all sizes. Come NOW to the following places to pick up:

    – In 770 (near big Pushka)
    – In Kahns
    – Outside Kol Tuv
    – B.R. Crown St.
    – The Sushi Spot
    – 770 downstairs (near big pushka)
    – Kahn’s inside
    – Kol Tuv outside
    – B.R. on Crown St (in lobby)
    – Empire Kosher

    Everyone talks about “we should”. Now is your chance! Please come to the above locations and take a sign for you and a few more to give out to others.

    Starting from early afternoon, pay attention to where to any sign of the motorcade and come out and hold up the signs!!

    Instructions: Starting from early afternoon (don’t wait till 2:30 or 3, it may be too late), pay attention to any sign of the motorcade and head out to that street and display your signs.

    Please pick up a few so that you can hand to your family, friends and to other people on the street.

    Please get up and take part!