A ‘Real’ Pizza Restaurant Opens in Crown Heights

Pomodori, Italian for tomato, is Crown Heights’ only brick oven pizzeria, and their grand opening is scheduled in the coming days. Owners informed us that they are already open for business, and are serving up a variety of slices and pies along with fries.

CrownHeights.info has learned that the grand opening will take place some time next week, and the new eatery will serve up a sizable menu, including pastas, salads and paninis, in addition to their exquisite pizza.

Pomodori is under the Hashgacha of OK Kosher, and is located on Kingston Avenue between Empire Boulevard and Montgomery Street.

Stay tuned for a full article on the story of this amazing transformation.


  • Pizza Lover

    I tasted the pizza yesterday and it was AMAZING!! So happy I don’t have to travel outside of Crown Heights for good pizza.

  • mazel tov!!!

    so excited we do not have to go out of crown heights to get a good slice of pizza anymore. i tasted the pizza yesterday, and it was so delicious. there where so many varieties to choose from.cannot wait to see the rest of the menu. yum!!!!
    ps the store is beautiful and clean
    may you have much success in your business

  • Pizza Lover

    Pomodori is under the OK Hashgacha and located at 419 Kingston ave. While there might be other “Pizza Shops” in the are, this is the only true authentic Pizzeria. Their pizza is so delicious, their crust has that perfect crunch, and their sauce is to die for. Im so happy this place opened.

  • israeli salad....mr. onion next

    First it was mr. cucumber, now they changed it to “tomatoe”
    Weve got a whole israeli salad goin on here

  • CHT

    Vito Stronzo, I just checked google/translate, you are wrong. The name is correct spelling for tomatoes. Although in singular – pomodoro – is much cooler name, all o, they should have call it that.

    pomidori with i in the middle is in Russian, not Italian

  • fyi to #16

    First it was baquette toast, then it was mr baguette, then came Qcumbers and now POMODORI. not tomato, silly. Wishing them much mazel in their new business

  • Used to not keep kosher

    Hopefully it’s not more of the burned, bland pizza that all kosher pizza seems to be.

  • to #27

    Its milchig, no need for a lubavitch schita. I believe that you are trying to ask if there a lubavitch masgiach.

  • umm ok!!!! eyes rolling

    27 are you serious? “Lubavitch shichita”? its a pizza place, hello!!! Do people even bother to read their own comments before posting or the articles for that matter?

  • ch

    to # 12 there really isnt 3 real pizza shops in ch, if you want good pizza you have to go out of the ch area.

  • CHT

    ch (#32), what are you talking about. Basil pizza outside of this world. Go out of crown height? Did you ever visit Basil on Sunday? If you did, you would see that is full with frumies from NJ and borough park that came specially to Basil.

  • great!

    Any pizza shop is better than kingston pizza! That owner…bugaboo or wtvr his name is……is one the rudest people in CH. I dont care how much tzedaka he gives.

  • Respond

    To number 33 no one said basil doesn’t have good pizza hay said there isn’t 3 real pizza shops in ch

  • #33 and anyone else

    Basil is not a pizza shop or pizzaria. They are a restaurant that has personal pizza pies on their menu. You cannot buy it by the slice as it is sold only as a personal pie.
    People are just saying that it is nice to not have to go out of CH to buy a couple of slices or a pie of delicious pizza! I think that is great for our neighborhood!!!

  • cant compare

    To #33
    If i wanted to go to an exoensive sit down resuarant where i cant even get a slice then maybe i would go to basil. But now i can go to pomodori and just pick up a good slice or two and be gone in 5-10 minutes without having to even tip a waiter. So after all you cant really compare the two so idk why you even brought up basil as its its not a true pizzeria.

  • good luck

    I wonder what the restaurant is going to be called in a couple of month…but he there is never enough pizza stores in a neighborhood…hope it will stay for a while

  • Man in the Hood!

    To all the naysayers and detractors – nope there is NO normal and good pizza shop in CH.

    That is a fact.

    The one on Kingston is a boropark type place – Bugaliboo or whatever is name is gave it a good shot and overall its not that bad. Its a FAR cry from the Kingston Pizza we had before he came along. Wether he is nasty ot not..who cares..he does a great service with all his food places in CH.

    The pizza in BAsil is similar to pizza at Tea for Two – it is part of he menu as someone pointed out.

    The place on Albany I won’t even go there. His place is subpar – and his agenda is totally off kilter. Hamayvin yovin.

    This place – with Pizza Time style pizza and already tested is a totally new place new outlook and a welcome releif to the hood. This place will thrive and mark my words it ain’t closing so fast as some predicted ;)

    Welcome to kingston.