Mayoral Race Comes to Crown Heights
On Wednesday, Democratic Mayoral candidate Sal Albanese went to Crown Heights to visit community organizations and small businesses.
Albanese started at the Crown Heights Community Council, where he met with Rabbi Eli Cohen. Albanese and Rabbi Cohen discussed public safety, Metzizah BePeh, affordable housing, and other issues facing the community in Crown Heights.
Albanese then greeted store owners and Lubavitch community leaders on Kingston avenue; the first of two visits on the same day. He stopped in a local Judaica store, various eateries, and met with members of the volunteer security group.
At 12:30pm, Sal’s wife Lorraine and daughter Danielle joined him at the Shalom Senior Center on Albany Avenue. There, Albanese shared his vision for the city, discussed the importance of caring for our seniors, and told how his mother lives with him and his family. During their stop, Lorraine and Sal spoke with a Holocaust survivor, who told a heartbreaking story about losing her family during her escape.
After the senior center, Albanese was joined by Rabbi Yochanan Rivkin, a shliach to New Orleans, and his family. Together, they walked from Albany Avenue and Empire Boulevard, through the shopping areas of Crown Heights and visited folks who were shopping in stores, and supermarkets and dining in restaurants. At the kollel, Sal met yungerleit learning and some of the mincha crowd. Then, he stopped by the Jewish Children’s Museum, Mendy’s, and Choco-latte.
Before heading to 770, Albanese stopped in a candy store to meet families and take photographs with children who wanted to meet him. He then met with Rabbi Rivkin, who gave a tour of the house of study and prayer and talked about the Rebbe’s legacy. gave us a tour of the house of study and prayer, and talked about the Rebbe’s legacy. To cap off the day, he met with other rabbis and community leaders outside of 770, discussing the concerns of community members.
mendel Engel
I asked him about working on legistration for School Choice Vouchers. He was not interested in making any change, claiming that it would be beyond his scope as a mayor. We need to have a mayor that will be interested in making this important change. We need have a few communities come together and campain for School Vouchers to anyone who would like to send their children to private school. Lets, get a mayor that can change things
Christine Quinn seems favorable.
declasse' intelelctual
The long standing and eternal rule: All politicians are everyone’s friend until after the votes are counted.
is that mordechai palace?
Go Pomodori!!
The best pizza in the world!!!
I will vote for any candidate who’s conservative and will keep the crime rate low. Asking for money for school vouchers should not be our primary concern, quality of life in this dirty overcrowded city should be the prime consideration.
Um, why don’t you move out of the country?