Crown Heights Celebrates Five Years of Yagdil Torah

Photography by Bentzion Elisha – ElishaArt.Com

More than 250 Crown Heights residents gathered in the Jewish Children’s Museum on Motzei Shabbos to celebrate Yagdil Torah’s first annual Melave Malka, commemorating its five year anniversary, and paying tribute some of their popular Magidei Shiur; Rabbi Michoel Lerner, Rabbi Sholom Ber Levin and Rabbi Tzvi Rimler.

Yagdil Torah is a Crown Heights based organization driven to spread Torah learning throughout the community through shiurim, publications, a beis midrash and many other projects.

“We were amazed by the incredible turnout,” said Yagdil Torah founder and director, Rabbi Levi Browd. “Every seat was booked. We were forced to add a few tables to accommodate the influx of reservations.”

Guest speaker, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Schapiro, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedola of Miami, spoke of the importance of Torah learning, quoting a Hayom Yom which states that Limud HaTorah is “nogea b’nefashos.” Said Schapiro, “the question on the mind of almost every educator is how to ensure that children are not affected by all the negative influences that surround us today.

”I have no tricks,“ he continued. ”But you can be certain that by learning on your own and with your children, and showing that Torah study takes paramount importance, you will create a positive environment that will negate these negative forces, and will allow children to gain a deep appreciation for Torah.“

”It’s fitting that this event includes an entire women’s section,“ said emcee, Rabbi Chaim Chazan. ”Yagdil Torah has highlighted the women’s paramount role in creating an atmosphere of Torah within the home.“ Rabbi Sholom Ber Levin also addressed the centrality of Limud HaTorah, detailing the halachic obligations of daily learning, and the priority it should hold in one’s life.

A beautiful selection of rare and unique niggunim was presented by Yehuda Piamenta. A video presentation told the story of the Heichal Halimud Tiferes Yitzchok on Empire Blvd, which has not been closed for even a single day since its opening in Elul, 5770.

Many guests were participants of the shiurim of the honorees, while many are frequent visitors to the Heichal Halimud. Chaim Jacobson, of Lease in Style said it was an honor to support the event. ”Yagdil Torah is doing phenomenal work in the community. We jumped at the opportunity to participate.“

Rabbi Browd told the crowd he founded Yagdil Torah along with his wife, Batsheva, to perpetuate the memory of their first born son, Menachem Mendle. ”Thank you to all the supporters who enabled us to achieve this success in only five years, and thank you to the thousands who participated by learning; whether at a shiur, in the Heichal HaLimud or with one of our print or online publications.“

”The gemara tells us that in regard to Limud HaTorah, five successful years is a bench mark figure, guaranteeing future success,“ said Rabbi Schapiro. ”Yagdil Torah is therefore an essential investment for this community; we are investing in ourselves, and we can be confident of the results.

“Rabbi Browd has shown the affect one individual can have when he sincerely sets his heart upon a goal. He is responsible for a ‘mahapeicha’ in Crown Heights, bringing into focus the importance and vitality of Torah.”

At the end of the proceedings, Rabbi Meir Gutnik, a Kohen and father in law of Rabbi Michoel Lerner, led the bentching.
For more information on Yagdil Torah please visit


  • pinny

    I see a lot of free bees there I hope he made money….
    Also why no pics of the 15 ladies that showed up?

  • amused

    To #1….Probably for the same reason that most weddings would appear to be a male only event, if you went by the photos posted.

  • FN

    It is a great mosed and Reb Berel Levine is the real man of the year he is only one who gives shiurim all year long and will not take a salary at all

    Kol Hakovod!!!!

    Chasidim and Maaritsav of Reb Berel all around the world!!!!!

  • Great 1st Event

    There were at least 50 ladies in attendance. The program was very inspiring and not boring, believe it. Next year we hope to see Pinny #1 in attendance to collect some of the free bees!
    A real Kiddush Lubavitch for our Schunah.

    Chazak V’emotz Levi and his rebbetzin.

  • How can you see negative in this?

    Wow. These comments are a testament to why an organization like Yagdil Torah is needed. Who put a bee in your bonnet #1?