Bais Shmuel Celebrates its 3rd Melava Malka

On Motzei Shabbos, Ches Adar I, February 12, Bais Shmuel-Chabad celebrated its 3rd annual Melava Malka marking 9 years since the shul’s beginning. “What began as a Shabbos Minyan, has now grown into a community of over 500 men, women and children”, said Moshe Pinson in his opening remarks.

The Razag Ballroom was transformed into a sleek and modern hall, where 250 Shul members enjoyed entertainment by Yoel Sharabi and the Freilach Band. Other highlights of the evening MC’d by Shmuli Stern were a keynote address by Dovid Junik, a Melava Mlaka story by 9 year old Junior Division Member Mayer Rubenstein, and a comedy skit by Shul’s spiritual leader Rabbi YY Jacobson and Gabai Dudi Farkash.

Awards were given to Rabbi YY Jacobson for his untiring devotion and to Zalman & Pessie Schochet for their unparalleled generosity.

Going into its 10 year, Bais Shmuel announced a bold new initiative of finding a permanent home for its Shul and programs.


  • DJ rocks the house!

    David Rocks The house:
    Go David you rock the house. Your talent,devotion, creativity,smarts and handsome-ness uplifted the whole crowd.
    You are as giving and caring to other people and have the ability to give a fine speech just like your mother.
    We in Crown Heights are fortunate to have someone like you. I wish you can talk to our youth on what inspires you to do what you do.

    From someone that is always inspired by you
    Not EJ