Yeshivas Erev Yehuda Kalman Grand Finale

The Simcha hall on Crown and Albany was swarming with hundreds of boys this Thursday evening. They were ready to receive their long awaited “Sefarim Vouchers”, that they earned this past year attending Yeshivas Erev Yehuda Kalman.

Rabbi Zusy Sorkin, the dynamic coordinator of Yeshivas Erev, opened up the grand finale with words of praise for all of the boys that devoted every evening of the week to further themselves in Limud Hatorah. Some reviewing their gemara, others joining the new Mishnas Gavriel Project, still others doing their homework and some learning Mishnayos and Tanya Bal Peh.

When Rabbi Yossi Raskin of Oholei Menachem addressed the boys, they were mezmorized by his description of how valuable their Torah learning really is.

Rabbi Sorkin then thanked all of the Mashgichim and older Bochurim for their great devotion to the boys that made this year such an outstanding one. He presented each of them with a beautiful gift as a token of appreciation.

The evening was also the climax of the Brochos Project of 5770 where the boys reviewed all of the brochos in the Brochos Guide from Rabbi Y. K. Marlow a”h.

The following boys were the top winners of the year:

Mendel Abelski
Yosef Ozdaba
Mendy Baron
Gedalya Bluming
Yossi Brickman
Dovid Geisinsky
Yehuda Dick
Dovid Hertzel
Yisroel Wilhelm
Mendel Chein
Moshe Cohen
Hershel Morozov
M. M Sorkin
Mordechai Zirkind
Sholom Kalmanson
Schneur Shochet

They were each rewarded with a set of sefarim.

The evening was concluded presenting each of the boys that attended the Yeshivas Erev with a “Sefarim Voucher” to be cashed in at Merkos. The amount each boy received was based on his attendance and accomplishments during the past year.

Yeshivas Erev will continue this summer אם ירצה ה’ in the Agudah Shul on Crown Street in the evening from 7:00 P.M.