An Alumnus Gives Back

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — On Sunday night, 24 Teves, At Crown Condos, Rabbi Moshe Wiener, a graduate of the Menachem Education Foundation’s Teacher Training Program, and the fourth grade Rebbe in Cheder Chabad of Monsey came back to the Teacher Training Program to share his experiences and ideas with the class of 5770.

Rabbi Wiener has gained a reputation as one of the finest young mechanchim in Chabad today. Rabbi Wiener traces much of his success to the Teacher Training Program that he attended in 5768 at the Menachem Education Foundation.

“I was in the first cohort of the program,” explains Rabbi Wiener. “None of us really knew how it would turn out, but we were pleasantly surprised at the level of sophistication that the program offered! It was an honor for me to be able to come back and share with the guys some of the methods and innovations that I use in my classroom.”

Rabbi Wiener showed the trainees how to use a method known as 1-2-3 Magic to achieve proper discipline in the classroom. He also showed how a little creativity and innovation can go a long way in helping with classroom management.

“Our teachers are shaping the future of Jewish education!” exclaims Rabbi Zalman Shneur, executive director of the Menachem Education Foundation. “Everything that our trainees learn is practical and hands-on; every part of the program is rooted in the practical realities of the classroom, not in some ivory tower.”

The class of 5770 was appreciative of Rabbi Wiener’s visit and lesson. The 3 hour workshop was filled with practical solutions and advice to everyday issues that present themselves in the classroom. According to a current trainee, Rabbi Shua Lustig, “It really showed us how everything we have learned is practical and hands-on, and can be adapted to fit into every classroom. That’s really the value of this program – the hands-on and practical element.”

The Menachem Education Foundation was established to raise the bar of Jewish education. The Foundation believes that the quality of the educator is the most important part of a quality education. The Foundation runs a Teacher Training Program for aspiring educators, The DaniEL Student Teaching Initiative and a Principal Leadership Program for current principals.


  • Rabbi S. - Monsey NY

    Way to go Rabbi Weiner. We wish you continues success. Cheder Chabad in Monsey is lucky to have you.

  • @ the course to paretn

    הוי דן את כל אדם לכף זכות yes before the year starts the teacher needs to know the names of their students.
    It is sad however that someone would comment on a power point from a picture when they have no idea what its talking about!

  • Chinuch

    when it comes to teaching, or you are a teacher or your not, and no class will help. talking from expeireince who went to oholei torah my whole life.

    the same applies to a principal. if your not cut to be a principal, you never will be. yes they may call you dean or what ever, but if you are a FERD, nothing will help you, you are just killing our youth one by one.

  • itche

    the only things that you have on the borad is saying no, turning away a child, what about saying yes with a smile, or even when you have to say no, say it with a smile.

    what about a nice good morning to child, hey you never know what type of night and morning he has had since you let him go home the day before. maybe he had nothing to eat for supper do to lack of funds.

    maybe he has a large family in lives in a 2 bedroom with 3 bunkbeds and a crib.

    maybe he lives in a normal size house and is abused by his parents, physically or emotinaly.

    i think if there will be more YEMIN MEKAREVES, in the school system; from teachers, principals, bus drivers, or even the new title out there today for a 6th grader MASHGIACH, things will look difrent
    and than again.
    maybe this is why you will almost never here children speaking and saying something nice about their melamdim, mashgichim or even principals.

    hatzlocha to all those in chinuch. and i hope that the will come when there will be TRUE, YES TRUE YEMIN MEKAREVES, with a true smile.

    if its done with a full heart and love, its guranteed to work.
    and yes it does require lots of pationts, BUT IT WORKS

    yours truley


  • shira

    I use the 123 magic in my classroom- works like wonders! from my preschool class of three year olds to my hebrew school class of eight year olds!! (sometimes wish i could do it in my womens classes :))

  • mother

    I’ve used 1-2-3 magic on my kids for the last 10 years! It really
    works. I rarely ever punish these days because I never get to 3!
    Now some are older, and it still works! I’ve read many books, but never found one that is as practical and easy to implement.

  • mother

    I don’t want to sound ignorant, but what are the methods of the “123 magic’ program?