Darchai Menachem Trip to Sotheby’s NY

By Levi Aronov and Levi Gourarie

NEW YORK, NY [CHI] — Last Wednesday, February 18, our class went to Manhattan to see ancient Seforim from all around the world. Jack Lunzer has been acquiring Jewish manuscripts for a long time, and now Sotheby’s is auctioning the collection off. The collection consists of Gemaras, Chumashim, Sidurim, Tehillim, old newspapers, Shulchan Aruch, Benchers, invitations, Haggadahs, Megillos and other assorted Seforim.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

On the way to Sotheby’s, we took the 3, 4 and 6 trains and eventually wound up in front of Sotheby’s. Once inside, we met Mr. Lunzer and his daughter. We spoke with him briefly and took the elevator to the top floor were the collection was situated. We were there for about an hour and during that time we looked at everything possible and took as many pictures as possible.

There were 5 rooms. The 1st room was covered in books classified by the country they came from. The 2nd room housed the Bomberg Gemarah. Daniel Bomberg was a Christian printer from the 16th century. He printed a 9-volume copy of the Gemarah and was the first to format it the way we learn it today, with Rashi on the outside and Tosafos on the inside. It is the first complete printed version of the Gemarah.

The 3rd room had cases on the walls filled with many Chumashim, Sifrei Tehillim and Rambam, and even a primeval copy of the Tur, the Sefer the Shulchan Aruch is based on. The 4th room held display cases full of Megillos, Haggadahs, more Chumashim, Neviim, Cesuvim, newspapers, and other assorted Seforim. The walls sported Aleph- Bais charts, Bar Mitzvah and wedding invitations, a rebus, and even a newspaper talking about Shabsai Tzvi! The 5th and last room had a video of Mr.Lunzer talking about his career in collecting all these Seforim.

At about 1:00 we left Sotheby’s. We had seen a lot of people there, Jews and Non-Jews alike, and we hope we made a Kiddush Hashem. It was really nice to see so many ancient Seforim in one room and we all enjoyed the experience.


  • a bit of history

    The Bomberg Shas was originally purchased by King Henry VIII when he wanted to divource his wife. his advisers told him the jews have novel ideas for ways to an easy divource therefore, he purchased the shas to have his scholars find him a “heter” to divource his wife. it took very long for the shas to actually make it from venice to london and by that time, Henry changed his religion and divourced his wife anyways. when the shas did arrive, he had no use for it so he had it placed into the library at westminster abbey where it had been since the early 16th century. Mr. Lunzer spent close to 30 years trying to trade with the abbey until he finally prevaled!

  • Impressed in CH

    I never cease to be impressed at the wider knowledge you students are given by your Rebbes. A very nice, well-written article & great pictures.

  • cousin

    go levi aronow
    that was such a nice article
    the pictures looked very interesting
    it must have been even more interesting to see it in person