Missing Girl B”H Found by Shomrim

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — A girl visiting Crown Heights for Tishrei was found after going missing for close to 10 hours. Shomrim received the call for the missing girl an hour after Shabbos ended from the girl’s sister.

Over 30 Shomrim members mobilized and executed a search for the missing spanning across a number of neighborhoods including Park Slope, Brooklyn Heights, Sun Set Park and Boro Park.

More in the Extended Article.

Over Shabbos the girl was taken to a nearby hospital after she fell ill and was released mid afternoon, since then her whereabouts were unknown.

The Shomrim Mobile Command Center, which has been parked over Shabbos on Crown Street and Kingston Avenue was activated and fully operational, functioning as a base for the search efforts. Shomrim Members came and went taking assigned grids in effort to find the missing.

At close to 12:00am the missing was B”H found by members of Shomrim, and was transported by Hatzalah to a nearby hospital for treatment.

CrownHeights.info would like to thank all the member of Shomrim who took their time to search and find the missing, exercising their organization, professionalism and coordination. Thank you.

In case of an emergency never hesitate to call 911 and Shomrim at (718) 774-3333 24/7


  • waiting....

    There are a few questions on all this. Was this girl ill from a cold, too much Cholent, or are there serious issues here? In other words, did she need real supervision? If so, why was she left on her own? Why did she even come here?

    And more to the point, a foreigner who probably doesn’t speak English (any insurance here or is Rabbi Lieder paying for this?) shouldn’t have been left alone in a hospital. Somebody must’ve taken her there!

    And so it begins. Yes, Shomrim did a great job, but just look at all the resources that went into dealing with this girl already & we haven’t even hit RH yet.

    Wait till all the shoplifters, illegal drivers, and drunks need to be bailed out of jail. Is it fair on our already stretched community resources, including manpower & financial, to be used on irresponsible visitors? If this girl is, shall we say, fragile, she doesn’t belong in CH during Tishrei, and certainly not unsupervised.

  • anonymous

    THANK YOU SHOMRIM. You guys rock!
    Wishing a K’Siva VeChasima Tovah and a Gut Gebentcht Yor!

  • member of the crown heights commuinty

    great job for shomrim, we need you guys around you are always there intime of need. keep up the good work keeping our naberhood safe.

  • Oiyhev Yisroel

    To waiting…

    Everyone is welcome, especially those who you dare call “fragile”. They need to be here more than anyone else. The positive energy of the shchuna is healing to all those who need strengthening in gasmius or ruchniyus.

    Please send us your tired, weary, dumb, and lazy and let’s not forget your law breakers! We’ll take care of ‘em with love! We will open our houses for them. They our welcome to be part of our family.

    Everyone belongs and is welcome to CH.

  • Liberty

    To waiting:

    “Give me your tired, your poor,
    your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

  • Crown Heightser

    Oiyhev Yisroel, Liberty – you people are mad. This is our community, not some insane asylm…and we are not equipped to accept responsibility for squirrels and nuts.

  • A resident

    To Liberty and Oiyhev Yisroel, I think you missed out on one crucial word that “Waiting” used: “unsupervised”. Of course, all are welcome and invited, but someone who needs special care must also come with the proper supervision so that such a thing (like being hospitalized and then missing for so many hours) does not, Chas V’shalom, happen. Our community is lucky to have such wonderful organizations like Shomrim to look out for our needs, but I would have to agree with Waiting that such a story should really never have happened to begin with!
    A Safe and Freilichen Gut Yom Tov to all

  • anonymus

    Dear Crown Hietser
    You should have a good Yom Tov
    Wheather Yom Tov or not we except squirresl and nuts all the time that is Lubuvitch love your neighbor like your self if it were someone you knew you would thank Shomrim and none knows the whold story