Garbage Fire Lit By Child Arsonists Smokes Up Southern Crown Heights
by CrownHeights.info
Thick smoke choked the area of Brooklyn Ave and Empire Blvd Monday after a group of children lit a pile of boxes on fire before wandering off.
The incident took place Monday night with the group attempting, and failing, to light a pile of boxes left on the street corner. After multiple failures, one of the group got a hold of a piece of paper which they then used to get the boxes burning.
The group then wandered off.
Seeing the flames, local residents and Shomrim volunteers took action and grabbed fire extinguishers, putting out the flames before the fore department arrived.

P. McDonald
Everything happens in Crown Heights!
Why didn’t the adults who walked by say or do anything
This is not exactly what is meant by bringing “light” to the darkness.
Look, the kid wanted to be a “lamplighter”…he just went about it the wrong way.
You shouldn’t call children “arsonists.” They may read this and believe what you say about them. Some kids lit a fire. They’ll likely grow out of such behavior, and not turn into arsonists.
~ Peace.
P. McDonald
We will call firemen in training.
This is not a kid. This is supervised by an adult. This is horrible. I live here 70 years in this neighborhood. I can’t remember a week that doesn’t go by with some atrocity or another and that’s a fact these people should go to jail all of them.