The New Theft of Choice In Crown Heights, Garbage Bins


It used to be stealing cars, then it was stealing packages, and now it’s stealing garbage cans? Have even the thieves gone through Yeridas Hadoros?

Actually no, the garbage cans are just worth a lot of money.

Since New York City mandated the purchase of city-sold garbage, recycling, and composting cans for garbage collection, a new black market for “redistributed” garbage bins as rocked the criminal world. Crown Heights, being at the forefront of such cutting-edge thievery, has seen a spike in garbage can thefts.

Selling online at $53.01 for a 45-gallon bin and $45.87 for a 35-gallon bin, the benefit of stealing them is significantly higher than the previous criminal target, your package with a Walmart-ordered pair of socks. It’s also easier to steal, as you, the homeowner, conveniently place the bin on the street outside your home at least twice a week.

In a recent incident involving a stolen garbage can, an alert homeowner, a quick Shomrim volunteer, and a rather sorry thief, the shocked homeowner watched as the thief dumped his full garbage can all over his driveway and started walking off with his bin.

Garbage bin thief dumps the garbage from the bin.

Shomrim responded quickly and was able to catch up with the thief. Thankfully the homeowner has marked his garbage can with his address, allowing identification of the can and the return to its rightful curbside space.

To help protect your property and deter thefts, spray-paint or mark your bins with your home address, tying the can to your home and making stealing it just that much more difficult.

Profile image of the thief.

One Comment

  • M

    In other places, the street address is prominently displayed on the cans that are ordered from the city council, and only those are picked up.

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