Arrest Made In Crown Heights After Man Attempts To Break Into Building


A terrifying situation was averted in Crown Heights Sunday evening thanks to the combination of good security and Crown Heights Shomrim.

Shomrim received an emergency call for help Sunday evening when a man was found to be attempting to break into a building in Crown Heights. Video surveillance from the location showed the man attempting to force his way in, breaking the intercom system in the process. After failing to gain access to the building, the man fled the area on a bike.

Shomrim volunteers flooded the area, and after twenty minutes was able to locate the perpetrator. 911 was called, and after investigating the incident the NYPD placed the man under arrest.

If the building would have had inadequate security a terrifying situation may have happened. Thanks to Shomrim, the man who did it will not be around to do it again.


  • Meir

    Many Crown Heights incidents go unreported. Yesterday at 5pm a guy said he’ll buy a computer from his Facebook account contact. The guy shows up, stuffs it quickly into his bag and takes off. The seller started to follow but backed off when told Don’t Follow Me! Out of fear the buyer had some hidden weapon, the seller let the thief get away, without even seeing the thief’s license plate.

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