Disturbing Incident Over Shabbos Sends Shockwaves Through the Community
by CrownHeights.info
Video of an incident that took place over shabbos is sending shockwaves through the community. The video, released by Shomrim, shows a young child walking with their father being grabbed by a masked man.
According to Crown Heights Shomrim, the incident took place around 3:30pm on Kingston Ave near Lefferts Ave as a father was walking with two children towards Lefferts. The man, who had just crossed the street, suddenly grabbed one of the children and tried to yank the child out of the fathers hand. The father fought back immediately and the man put down the child.
Shomrim was called following Shabbos and the police were notified of the incident. The video, released by Shomrim, quickly went viral throughout the community.
According to Rabbi Yaacov Behrman, the NYPD has already identified the perpetrator and an arrest is likely.
Yes realy. I dont trust this police !!
Avinoam Mizravhi
These mask need to be outlawed
It’s long overdue!!!
We should pressure those who can do so –he more ppl, the better!
For decades (maybe a lot more), the most heinous acts were done by people hiding their faces.
Should be illegal!
Kingston Avenue and Lefferts
Crazy! That’s me walking with my wife and 2 children on the other side of the street. I did not see or hear anything. Wish I would have heard something and been there to help. I only found out about what happened right across the street from me, when I read this story and watched the video. Hopefully this man is found and put away for a long time.
Is the kidnapper an illegal?
To the vaad
The perp is graciously being hosted by one of our own landlords in one of his buildings.
A disgrace.
You got that right. But money gets praised Justice is blind
“An arrest is likely”?
Well, isn’t that special. Why, do they first have to check whether he has the “right” skin tone or ethnic status or immigration status?
Kop Dr
There are so many problems here
A) the landlord. Who Owen’s this building big bal tzdoka on our backs
B) the political people in our hood
C ) the district attorneys in Brooklyn