Shomrim Publishes Image Of Man Wanted For Installing Skimmer In Crown Heights Store
by CrownHeights.info
Crown Heights Shomrim has released an image of a man wanted for installing a skimmer device in a Crown Heights store. The man may be the one responsible for stealing tens of EBT card numbers and stealing more than $100,000 from Crown Heights families.
As previously reported on CrownHeights.info, the large number of EBT thefts being reported over the last few weeks in the Crown Heights Jewish community point to a skimmer which was likely planted in a local store.
Multiple residents that have been victims of EBT theft have reported that they found a large number of transactions at a small store in Pennsylvania which cleared out their accounts. Some saw hundreds of dollars stolen, others thousands.
Residents are asked to please check their balances and file police reports for any stolen funds. Thefts should also be reported online to the state or by calling the number on the back of the card. You can also file for reimbursement of stolen funds by clicking HERE.
As a precaution, even if no fraud has yet happened on your card, CrownHeights.info advises all Crown Heights holders of EBT cards to immediately change their PIN numbers.
Which stores had he installed them in?