Crime Concerns Spread To Other Crown Heights Communities, Alert Published
In a recent series of unsettling incidents, a neighborhood in Crown Heights outside of the Jewish community finds itself on edge as residents share their experiences, raising concerns for community safety. These encounters, reminiscent of a recent post about being spat on, highlight a growing need for increased awareness and community vigilance.
Incidents Unfold:
• July 2nd, 9:00 am: 1154 Pacific Street. A family faced aggressive behavior with verbal threats, prompting a call to the police. The individual was last seen at 508 Franklin Ave, leaving residents on high alert.
• November 4th, 2023, 10:30 am: Corner of 1123 Dean St. A parent and child heading to the Brooklyn Children’s Museum experienced a stalking incident. First responders offered assistance, revealing the individual had caused trouble earlier.
• November 5th, 2023, 7:50 am – 8:30 am: Multiple locations, including 950 Bergen St and 508 Franklin Ave. Unprovoked spitting and threats occurred on the way to a local supermarket. A disturbing pattern emerged as the individual stopped at 508 Franklin Ave, echoing a previous incident.
• December 28th, 2023, 11:20 am – 11:55 am: Buckingham Hall Apartments, 769 St. Marks Ave. A harrowing incident involving aggressive threats, profanity-laden tirades, and unwarranted stalking unfolded, culminating in a threat to harm a four-year-old child. Seeking refuge in a nearby nursing home, the family hoped to escape the escalating situation.
Community Response:
These incidents have prompted residents to share their experiences on various platforms, emphasizing the importance of community awareness and support. Local authorities are urged to take swift action in addressing these safety concerns.
Calls for Caution:
Yesterday at 7:30 am, the same individual shouted at a resident as he walked down their block. Uncertainty about his mental state emphasizes the need for caution. The man has been spotted crossing Atlantic Ave into Bed Stuy from Crown Heights, potentially linked to the Atlantic Armory Shelter.
A Distinctive Description:
The individual consistently wears a distinctive blue puffer coat with the hood up and often lingers on street corners. His actions appear consistently unprovoked, adding to the urgency of community awareness.
Community Unity in Times of Concern:
While these incidents have stirred concerns, they have also ignited a sense of community unity. Residents are encouraged to stay vigilant, prioritize safety, and report any suspicious activities promptly.
As the community grapples with these unsettling encounters, the hope is that increased awareness will foster a safer and more supportive environment for all Crown Heights residents. Authorities are expected to address the concerns promptly, ensuring the well-being of the community remains a top priority.
Jorge Loco
This is what happens when people vote for more food stamps and social help.
instead of focusing on the real issues
More benefits equals less quality of life
There is a scary lady with matted hair hanging long down the side of her head, who walks around Montgomery street area. She has threatened me twice, and other people as well. Both with bodily injury and hateful Jewish threats specifically. What can be done?